Create a Scenic Landscape Composition in Photoshop Part-3

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Create a Scenic Landscape Composition in Photoshop Part-3

Step 21

Because of blending problems on the top of cliff (overlapping layers and dark areas between the trees) duplicate (Command/Ctrl + J) fragment of trees layer and hit Command/Ctrl + T and flip it horizontally (right click > "Flip horizontal") then move this layer higher than "trees" layer (image 1) so it covers "broken" area (image 2) then start erasing some fragments so finally it turned out like in image 3.

Step 22

Create new layer (blending mode "Linear Dodge (Add)" )and draw some spots of "1b6f71" color, then lower the opacity to about 30%.

Step 23

Use "Clone tool" to cover the tree on left side (on duplicated trees layer) so it won’t look like 100% copy of right side.

Step 24

Also select (using "Lasso tool") and duplicate leaf from trees layer, flip it horizontally and move to right side. Erase some hard highlighted edges. It’s another step in making side left different from side right.

Step 25

Now copy some thin tree fragment from "laying trees stock" and put it like this, on layer "fake tree", then hit Command/Ctrl + B and set values like in image below.

Step 26

Some changes after Brightness/Contrast and Burn tool treatment (Midtones setting).

Step 27

Then erase some edges of this "fake tree" by making mask on its layer and painting some strokes with 80% hard round brush (black). After that lighten up right edge of this tree (since light is coming from right side) and then do some Hue/Saturation changes (Command/Ctrl + U) as below:

Step 28

Duplicate "fake tree" layer, scale it down a bit and rotate like below, then (still in Free Transform mode) right-click on this (well, it’s a branch now) branch and select "Warp" then go to menu on top of Photoshop UI and select "Arch" .

Step 29

Now simply push it to right-down side and bend it like in this image, if you can’t bend it as shown in the image, change the warping orientation by clicking icon on top of Photoshop UI (image below).

Step 30

Light up this branch by going to "Levels" window (Command/Ctrl + L).

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