Create a Scenic Landscape Composition in Photoshop Part-4

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Create a Scenic Landscape Composition in Photoshop Part-4

Step 31

Duplicate this branch onto new layer and scale it down (Command/Ctrl + T), move it a bit from original position and lower opacity of its layer.

Step 32

Duplicate branch from girl stock and flip it horizontally. Put it on this tree, then erase some parts of this branch to make it look like it’s behind the tree.

Step 33

Then brighten up these branches a bit using “Brightness/Contrast” window, to make them fit background.

Step 34

Use "Lasso Tool" to select one of branches that was standing out a bit, move it to the left.

Step 35

Now smooth jeans material to make it look like normal pants. Do it by painting some strokes with "Smudge Tool" with 4% strength, using soft round brush while stroking. Also cover some parts with "Clone tool" (circled areas).

Step 36

Then open "butterflies stock" and copy some of them to our image, Use "Magic wand tool" to cut out blue areas (roughly), then erase some blue pixels with "Eraser tool". After that, select one of butterflies, rotate and place it (again, Command/Ctrl + T) near shoulder of our girl.

Step 37

Here is how it looks after rotating and placing butterflies. Also cut out each butterfly (select one and hit Command/Ctrl + X) then paste them on separate layers (more comfortable to edit later on) and set each layer to “Linear Dodge (Add)”. Then on layer with butterfly behind her shoulder hit Command/Ctrl + U and select these values to change color of butterfly to more yellow. Do the same for other butterflies or experiment with some values.

Step 38

Then create a new layer and set it to blending mode "Linear Dodge (Add)" and paint some brown ("3e1d0a ") strokes on neck (using soft brush), shoulder and some on butterflies wings, use "Eraser tool" to soften the edges like below.

Step 39

Change brush to hard round, make it smaller (5px) and make some dots with the same color ("3e1d0a") like before, also on new layer (with blending mode "Linear Dodge (Add)"). Do the same around other butterflies.

Step 40

Now copy "birds stock" paste some birds (delete blue areas with "Eraser tool" and "Magic wand tool") hit Command/Ctrl + T, scale them down and place them like below. Also make mask on this layer and with use of black soft big round brush, delete some birds around the center, then lower the opacity of this layer to about 60%.

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